Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Scrub Our School - Milestone Dates

January 9 -- January 13: Find people who are willing to clean some classrooms

January 10: Visit other classes looking for people to sign up for our project

January 11: Make forms for community service hours

January 12: Find teachers who need their rooms cleaned

January 13: Clean the classrooms

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Post-Project Reflection #1

Project Pansy

Co-leader: Anna S.

We were never able to get our flowers. We sent an email and a letter to Ferny's, but they haven't responded, so we couldn't get a donation.

Everything was going well until we mailed the nursery asking for a donation. We had visited the nursery and decided which plants we were going to use. When we went to the nursery we learned that we needed an email from Mrs. Fitz in order to get a donation. After about a week passed with no reply, we took a printed copy of the email to the nursery. It's been months now and we probably can't expect a response now. We had no control over whether Ferny's replied or not. We could have gone to the nursery to ask them where they were in the process of donating to us or we could have found a different way to get the flowers. In the end, we decided to start a new project and hope that they would contact us while we were working on it.

Next time it may be a good idea to choose a project that doesn't depend so much on someone else. We didn't even find out whether the nursery was willing to donate or not.
Our next project is to organize a classroom clean-up project. We will find teachers who need help in their classrooms after school and then find people who will do it.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Post-Project Reflection #2

Scrub Our School

Co-leaders: Anna S., Griselda C.

The project didn't go as smoothly as I envisioned, but we got everything done. I needed to run around a lot, tracking down people and giving them forms for community service hours. Not everyone showed up to help but there were some unexpected helpers for the project.
In the end, we did what we planned to do and everyone filled out their forms. The teachers appreciated the help from the students. Ms. Juarez got her computers dusted, Mr. S. got his room rearranged, and Mr. Ward, Ms. Wilson, and Ms. Durrant got their desks and boards cleaned. The only problem was that I felt like I wasn't prepared enough. The day of the project was hectic and I was worried that we wouldn't accomplish our goal. I will make a note to be more prepared from now on with both the Leadership class and any other projects I do in the future.
Anna, Griselda and I all did our own jobs in the project. We wouldn't have been able to do it if one of us weren't helping. Anna found teachers who needed their rooms cleaned, Griselda helped clean Ms. Durrant's room when we didn't have any helpers to do it, and I took responsibility for the community service forms.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

S.O.S. (Scrub Our School) - Project Proposal

Executive Summary:

Our school is in need of cleaning. Even though there are easily accessible garbage and recycle cans all around the school, people are still littering. Also, since teachers have multiple classes the desks are shared by up to six people. After a week, those desks will get really dirty. We have decided to gather some people to sign up to stay after school and help to clean up the classrooms, hallways, courtyards, and any other areas that need cleaning.


With enough people signed up, we could complete our project in around an hour. We will plan the event for Thursday, January 13. We would need cleaning supplies, such as 409 cleaner, paper towels and trash bags. This project could really benefit our school, the kids who attend it and the staff who work here. Parts of the school that are more commonly touched will be clean, reducing the chances of people getting sick.


What we plan to do is clean desks, remove litter from all around the campus and take out teachers' garbage and recycle cans. A list of teachers will be available at a later date. This project will be planned on Thursday, the 13th of January and is open to any volunteers who want to sign up. We plan for this to go on just an hour after school.


We have made a sign-up sheet for volunteers. We will be able to complete the project in our planned amount of time if we get enough help. We will be saving teachers time and energy by doing this project. Also, we would be helping students. A cleaner school means less germs and sicknesses, so we can reduce everyone's chances of getting sick. The only problem we could have is not enough people signing up. Then the project may take longer than preferred.


Our successful project will result in a clean school and happy teachers. After the project is over, we will ask for feedback from all of the teachers we helped. We can use that information to make improvements for next time.


We will be working in the classroom of the teacher that wants their room to be cleaned. Cleaning supplies--including garbage bags--will be supplied. Anyone is welcomed and encouraged to help out with this projected.


We are preparing for a single day, cleaning the school for about an hour. Cleaning, taking out trash and any requests the teacher may ask the volunteer to do for them will be the only things that will be done. We hope to have people sign up for this project until next Wednesday (January 12). The actual project will take place on January 13.


Our only needed materials are cleaning agents, paper towels and garbage bags. Volunteers only need to give up their time.


We believe this project to be worthwhile because we are benefiting both the staff and the students. If the surfaces that people touch on a daily basis are clean, the chances of people getting sick will be reduced. Again, anyone and everyone is welcomed and encouraged to sign up.