Monday, December 13, 2010

A New Back-Up Project

Unfortunately, there won't be enough kids at Info Night for us to organize a day-care. So instead, we will clean up teachers' classrooms. Tomorrow (December 14) we will ask some of the teachers if they would like their rooms cleaned or any other jobs done after school on the Friday we get back from holiday break.
Please comment on this post if you are interested in helping.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Blog Update

Project Pansy: We still haven't heard back from Ferny's.

Info Night: We are working on our proposal, but we don't know if it's okay to do yet. Mrs. Stark will let us know. She wasn't at school today so she couldn't ask her about the project.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Blog Update: Campus Clean-Up

On November 2, I helped Jenny with her Campus Clean-Up project by doing some T.A. work for Mrs. Fitz after school. I did various jobs such as taking out the recycle and delivering things to other rooms. I had plenty to do while I was there, so I was able to help Mrs. Fitz out. I also learned a little bit about what jobs a teacher needs to do once the students have left.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog #5

  1. We have delivered our letter from Mrs. Fitz to Ferny's nursery. They will call us to let us know if they can donate flowers. We also obtained a letter with the school's tax ID number to give to the nursery if they ask for it.
  2. So far I have helped with Arun's school grounds clean up project. We picked litter up around the school from 2:00 to 3:00 last Friday (10/27/10), mostly in the student parking lot. I decided to help with the project because I don't like all the litter that people leave around the school and other public places. There was even more litter than I expected. We were working constantly for the entire hour but I think in the end we made a big improvement to how the parking lot looks.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog #4

  • Project Pansy!

- Co-leader: Anna S.

  • Toy Drive

- Co-leader: Anna S.


  • School grounds clean up

- Leader: Arun S.

Comment on this blog if you need any help with your project.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Project Update

Project Pansy!

Ferny's has not yet replied to our emailed letter from Mrs. Fitz. So today (October 24) we will deliver a hard copy to the nursery.

School grounds clean up

Last Friday (October 22) I helped Arun with his project cleaning litter up from the campus. We worked from 2:00 to 3:00 picking up litter mostly from the student parking lot. Some people seem to be determined not to use the trash can. There were piles of garbage all over the parking lot. We really improved the apperance of the school by picking that stuff up.

These five bags are filled with trash that didn't make it to the garbage can.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Driving Forces:
· The school will look prettier
· They will add some more color to the school
· They will lighten the mood at the school.

· Ferny’s Nursery responding to email
· 1. Money
· How many flowers Ferny’s donates
· 2. Transporting materials
· 3. Death of flowers
· Flowers could be distracting
· 3. Maintaining care for the plants
· People might pick the flowers
· Seeing the benefits of the flowers

1. Money
If Ferny’s doesn’t donate as many flowers as we need, then money will be a possible barrier. Our plan is to have a fundraiser—specifically a candy sale. We can use that money to pay for the plants, soil, and other materials that we need.
We haven’t planned any details on our candy sale yet, but we would probably sell candy during lunch and let people know that the money will go towards planting flowers at the school. Our not-as-good backup plan is to ask for donations.

2. Transportation
Transportation is a barrier that we are prepared for. We need some way to bring the materials to the school. Luckily we have parents who are willing to drive us around.

3. Maintaining the Plants
Besides getting the flowers to the school, another part of the project is to care sheet to maintain them. We know we will have to water and weed them to help them live through the winter. We are also thinking of keeping the plants close to the building to keep them sheltered.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blog #2

Anna and I are currently working on getting flowers to plant at the school. We have been to a nearby nursery and found out what we need to do to get a donation. We also found out that pansies are very cheap and will last through the winter with some maintenance. Tomorrow (October 14) we will complete our project outline and ask Mrs. Fitz to write a letter to the nursery in order to get a donation.

Next Steps

Tomorrow (October 14)
  • Get a letter from Mrs. Fitz
  • Complete project outline

First Project Outline

Project Pansy!

Started: 10/10/10

Finish by: 11/01/10

Mentor: Fitz


  • Obtain flowers sometime this week (10/10/10--10/16/10)
  • Plant the flowers and take pictures on 10/18/10
  • Complete instructions for maintaining the flowers on 10/20/10

My partner Anna and I will obtain plants to put into the pots at our school. They will include pansies and maybe other plants that can survive the winter. The plants will add some more natural color to our school and improve the overall mood of the campus. In addition to getting and planting the flowers, we can make instructions for maintaining them.

Our challenges will include getting a donation for the plants, which we are already working on. We need to get a letter from Mrs. Fitz to get the donation. Also, we are currently planning for two pots to be filled with flowers. I have considered getting more pots in order to have a more significant impact.